
Showing posts from May, 2017
The metaphor of the wireless Network as the Kingdom of God The internet Imagine that the internet is all Good meaning it is all God.  The internet in this example would represent God the Father.  From John 4 in the Bible, we know that God the Father is a Spirit.   So the all good(God) internet = God the Father, who is all Spirit The router For this example, we are going to call your internet router the Son of God (Jesus) Christ.  Your router represents access to the internet to God the Father.  Did you know that your router is defined as a gateway, and the password you use to get on your router is a form of a key? The Wireless signal For this example, the wireless signal that is coming from the router is the Holy Spirit. The wireless signal in your house can be accessed from many different wireless electronic devices. A poor signal represents our sin and no signal represents us not abiding in him( not connected to him!) Network Key "Password"