Prayer for Portland Oregon and the United States

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we want to pray for Portland Oregon, and the United! Lord Jesus, we first ask that you please forgive each and every one of us for our sins known and unknown, as we forgive those who have sinned against us! In Jesus' name, we rebuke satan and all his evil works Amen! Lord our country and Portland Oregon are in need of your presence, please show your mercy and love for us! We pray for unity in the United States and in Portland, Oregon, we pray for lawlessness to end and for your love, justice, integrity, and truth to prevail! Please remove the Spirit of anarchy in our country and every state, and replace it with your Spirit, who is Love! Through your grace (unmerited favor and power) help us walk hand and hand with you lord! We also pray for healing in Portland and the United States! We pray that you replace our heart with your Holy heart. We pray that you replace our blood with your Holy Blood. We pray that you anoint each and every one our heads with your oil that our cup(bodies) overflow with your spirit. We ask that you breathe your mighty breath into our lungs filling our lungs with your oxygen, breath, and spirit. We ask that your sacred blood is pumped through our veins into our body and through our lungs. Adding oxygen, and your healing spirit. We pray that it is then pumped throughout our bodies, our heart, lungs, brain, spine, back, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, prostate, spleen, liver, bladder, and every other part of our bodies. We pray that all tests come back perfect. We pray that blood pressures and sugar levels are all perfect as you are perfect. We command all disease to leave and we declare and decree healing in the name that is above all names our Lord Jesus Christ. Lord the word of God says you are the Prince of Peace, please bring peace over Portland, over Oregon, and every state in this great nation! In the name above all names, and the blood of our Lord Jesus. Amen


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