A prayer for Unity in the Body of Christ!

Prayer for Unity in the Body of Christ!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and by the name and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ!  We pray for unity in the Body of Christ!

Dear Lord your word says as the Body of Christ we are made up of many different parts, and that together we are one body, with you are Lord Jesus Christ as the head!

Help us realize that even though we have many different missions and Christian leaders, that we can work together to fulfill your great commission of going out in all the world and baptizing in your name to bring people to you!  Help us realize that our differences are gifts that you have given each of us, so we may be more relatable to those who don’t know you yet and to accomplish the task you have given each of us together and individually! Help us realize that your word of God says it is your peace and your love that is the glue that binds us together, give us your grace to abide in that peace and love!

Through your grace and great mercy, please Lord be patient with us as we mature to become more like you in the areas of love; abiding in your spirit; integrity; compassion; obedience to you; discernment of good and evil; your gifts; using gifts in unity with others in the Body of Christ and wisdom & knowledge of you!  Help us let you grow your body, so we may become your full stature individually and together! 

We know that together with you my Lord Jesus Christ as the head we can accomplish great and amazing things through your grace and power!  If you agree with this prayer say Amen( Let it be so)!

““Again I say to you, that if two believers on earth agree [that is, are of one mind, in harmony] about anything that they ask [within the will of God], it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in My name [meeting together as My followers], I am there among them.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:19. AMP


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