Prayer for Healing

 Prayer for Healing

In the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit and by the blood and name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Lord we ask that you forgive us for any sins we may have committed known, or unknown, as we forgive those who have committed sin against us!

Lord Jesus, we rebuke, renounce, and reject satan and all of his evil works!

Jesus, you only are our Lord and savior, We ask in your name(Jesus) and by your blood that you heal us Amen(let it be so)!

Please anoint our heads with your olive oil that we overflow with your Spirit. We ask that you replace our heart, with Your sacred Holy Heart.  Your sacred blood with our blood. Please breathe Your mighty breath into our lungs, filling our lungs with Your Spirit and oxygen! Please pump Your sacred blood through our veins, into our lungs, where Your blood is oxygenated and heals our lungs. We ask that your blood travels through our veins to our brain giving us great cognitive abilities and healing every cell in our brain. We ask that Your blood travels to our stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder, kidneys, liver, spleen, and every other part of our bodies that need healing! We command all diseases, viruses, and ill health to leave now in Jesus' name and we thank you for the healing we have received today! We pray that all tests come back in our favor and that we are completely healed in your name(Jesus) Amen(let it be so)

In Jesus name, these people are healed by His stripes

List of names!

Our family members
Our neighbors
Our friends
Our country
Our co-workers
Our team members
Our patients

Please list people you are asking God to heal!


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