Matthew 23:36
Sir which is the most important command in the law of Moses?”
Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind,’ this is the first and greatest commandment.  The second most important is similar: Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.

Jesus also tells us to love our enemy!

A quote from Jesus “There is a saying, ‘Love your friends and hate your enemies.’ But I say: Love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!  In that way you will be acting as true sons of your Father in heaven.  For he gives and sends rain on the just and on the unjust too.  If you love only those who love you, what good is that?  Even scoundrels do that much.  If you are friendly only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else?  Even the heathen do that.  

God wants us to walk in LOVE, how do we do this?  First we ask Jesus to come and live in our hearts so we can have a relationship with him; Second we Love God with all our hearts, Soul, Mind and Strength; Third, we Love our neighbor as we love ourselves and Forth we love even our enemies and pray for those who hurt us!

What is God’s Character?

The word of God says that God is Love and those who abide in(live in )Love abide in God.  We find God’s Character in Galatians 5:22 It simply tells us that when we ask Jesus Christ to be our Lord and savior that His and the Father’s Spirit comes and lives in us as the Holy Spirit,  because God now lives in us we have his Character, which are also ways of Loving.  The name of this Character is the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.  The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, modesty, self-control, chastity!  God’s Character is also ways of loving because God is Love!  Love is kind, Love is generous, Love is patient, and Love has self-control.  When our spirit comes into an agreement and one with God’s spirit and character, we become one with God!
However, because of Original Sin, the first sin of Adam and Eve eating from the tree of Good and Evil we also have a Nature that is not of God and is Evil.  This nature our corrupt nature the flesh, consist of everything that is the opposite of God and Love.  We can find this in Galatians 5:19  anger, lust, jealousy, fighting, division, greed, gossip etc..
Paul tells us in Galatians that we always have a war waging in us.  The Spirit of God does not like the flesh( our corrupt nature) and the Flesh does not like the Spirit, however, because of Christ giving us his Spirit and dying on the Cross. His blood now covers our sins and we can conquer the things of the flesh because his Spirit now lives in us.  We as humans just have to practice living in the great gift that Christ has given us his Spirit.  Eventually he would like us to walk perfectly in his perfect love and Spirit, however, the lord gives us Grace( His un-merit favor) for when we get it wrong!  I get a little of it wrong every day but I continually to thirst for the perfect relationship that comes with totally becoming one with his Spirit of Love that lives within me.
The more we abide(Live in his Spirit) the more we can ask the Lord for whatever that we need and if it is his will he will provide it for us.
But remember a fruit tree does not bear fruit right away.  It goes through a growing season and in that growing season a few things are happening.  One is that there is good weather and bad weather.  Meaning we are going to have good days as a Christian and we are going to have bad days as Christians.
The second thing happening In our growing season is our fruit is maturing, we are our learning to love the way that Jesus loves us and our fruit(love) continues to grow.  If we stay well rooted in Christ and his teachings and love we will always produce good fruit!

What is this process like?

The process is like a diver that dives really deep in the ocean he cannot surface right away because he will get the Bends, so he comes us slowly, he may even stay at a certain level for a while to acclimate(get used to the change), and then he goes up again and eventually he surfaces.
God does the same for us.  He will sow a promise deep in our hearts, however, he will not give it to us right away.  He wants us to be good stewards(Managers) of the promise.  So he advances us slowly.  During this time he is giving us all the tools to love, or managed according to the promise he has given us.
The best advice given to me is to be patient and take each day one day at of time doing the best I can in that one day realizing that God is working in the background and the foreground for the manifestation of the promise, remembering everything is in Kairos time, meaning God’s Special Time!

Please remember to put God first in all your life, including his promises!


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