What John the Baptist and later Jesus Disciples were doing when they baptizing believers was creating a vessel clean and undefiled by the stain of Original sin, a temple without a spot for God to live in!  

In Catholic Churches throughout the world, the remembrance of this process is being practiced in the Mass every day!

When you walk into Mass the first think a Catholic Christian does is dip their fingers into the Holy Water and make the sign of the cross in remembrance of their baptism. 

Shortly after the Mass(Church) starts they(Catholics) are asked to reflect on any way they have offended God and ask for forgiveness.  In the same way, John the Baptist asked people to confess their sins as they were being Baptized!  What John the Baptist was doing was preparing the people to receive Christ, and to be a pure vessel for him to live in, in spirit.  The Mass is divinely designed to make Catholic Christians a vessel without the stain of sin in the same manner,  in order to receive Jesus body and blood in Communion(Eucharist). 

Communion with God!
As we learned yesterday the more and more we live in the Spirit by not only taking communion but practicing living in God's character we are living in the Truth.    The more and more we live in the Truth the more and more we become one with him who is Truth, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

I love experiencing Christ spirits in the many Christian faiths, however, my Catholic Christian Faith is very rich in the Truth as well.

Simple Saints Becoming Divine


Flesh vs Spirit


Becoming Divine


Simply a servant of my Lord Jesus Christ!

Matthew 4:4 (The New American Bible)

Not on bread alone is man to live but on every utterance from the mouth of God!

1 Corinthians 3 :16 (The New American Bible)

Are you not aware that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?  If anyone destroys God's temple God will destroy him.  For the temple of God is holy, and you are that temple!


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